Posts tagged education
I is for Inclusivity

Inclusion is a universal human right! Irrespective of our race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, physical or cognitive abilities we should all feel included. As citizens and parents we must educate ourselves and our children, listening, learning, reading, watching, and talking about the richness and diversity of people. Here’s five of our favourite brands doing their bit to promote inclusion.

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Educating For The Future

Artificial Intelligence, which is gathering pace & widely spoken of as ‘the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is going to see our young people in the eye of a storm of change not witnessed since the advent of electricity. It is estimated that a fifth of the workforce will be automated by 2030 (that’s 800 million workers*) and it is likely that a huge number of the jobs our children end up in haven’t even been invented yet. So with this in mind, how can we best prepare the next generation for a future that’s largely unknown?

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Playtime for Earth Lovers

Getting little ones out in the fresh air is so important, yet how many times have you found yourself stuck inside because you’re not quite sure how to keep them entertained outdoors? Well there are a lot of simple things you can do to initiate play outside while simultaneously helping your child learn about the environment, encouraging their curiosity and appreciation for the world around them.

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Selfcare for Kids

Self-care is the current buzz word, but it’s not just busy mums who should be making time to care for their mental health, there are also lots of things we can be encouraging our children to do in order to look after their own wellbeing. Now while being happy 365 days of the year clearly isn’t realistic, there are things both young and old can do to not only feel a bitter in our own heads, but also to make the world a bit of a brighter place for those around us - feel good on the inside, do good on the outside!

Here, Chartered Psychologist, Yoga Teacher and Health Coach, Suzy Reading, who specialises in self-care and helping people manage stress and emotions, offers us seven ways we can empower our kids with their own tools for self-care. 

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